It’s taken me a long time to get into a sort of groove with my writing. I’ve learned to plot just enough to keep me going on the story without getting stale or losing my way (thanks largely to the “Beats” chapters in Write. Publish. Repeat by Sean Platt and Johnny B Truant – highly […]
On bad things happening to lesbian characters because they’re lesbians
An interesting thing happened to me last week. I’d finished the first draft of a novella I’d been working on in a new series I’m developing and, as I often do with my finished stories, read it to my wife to see what she thought. She’s not a big reader, but I love seeing her […]
How Hugh Howey changed my mind
A few weeks ago, I wrote a short story in less than a day. I had a title in mind, and was mulling over what sort of story would go with it. I’d used the same title quite a few years ago with a short story I wrote for a competition that will never […]
Stuff I Found Interesting On the Web
I read a lot. Books, blogs, facebook, news articles, tweets, the backs of toilet cleaner bottles. And I thought, hey, maybe the few people who stop by here occasionally might be interested in what I found interesting around the place. I’ll post this stuff monthly, and sometimes more than that, depending on what floats my […]
What have I been up to?
I’m glad you asked. I’ve been busy writing. Actually, I took 3 weeks off in January to holiday in Tasmania. Let me tell you, if you haven’t been down to visit one of our first penal colonies, you must go. Do it now. I’ll wait. Lots of wonderful memories and photos and experiences came from […]