Sunny days are made for beach driving

The great thing about living where I do is that it’s got some beautiful places to visit. And since those places are prone to the elements, (changing tides, storm surges, erosion etc), the landscape is constantly changing. Take the coloured sands, for example. Erosion along the western side of the beach causes the cliff faces […]

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Crush made a list!

I won’t lie. It’s awesome seeing my books out in the wild and I love nothing more than getting tagged in pics of readers reading my books, or blogs that feature them. That’s why it was so cool to see that Crush made a list of YA FF/ romance books to read for people who love […]

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The one where a plan was hatched…

True story: One of my cousins is nuts about cricket, just like me. So is her husband. But their three daughters? Not so much. Being the great cousin I am, I sent her an ebook copy of Alice Henderson On Debut, which she ended up sharing with her eldest daughter, Miss 13. Now, you have […]

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Some thoughts on Orlando

I have struggled with life today. I wasn’t going to write anything about the tragedy in Orlando. I didn’t feel I had anything to add to the many thousands of voices already speaking out. I still don’t think I do. What I do have though, is an honesty I have discovered about myself, awakened due […]

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