Word Count: 5,772 Day five and I’m still struggling, but it’s getting easier. I spent most of today procrastinating – grocery shopping, helping Wifey out with some small renos and house-hunting. I did get in an hour of good writing time though, and got just over 1,400 words down. My goal of 15k by COE […]
Nanowrimo: Day Three – Small Successes
After a slow start on Day One, I finally managed to get in over a full daily quota of 1,684 words. That brings my total word count on Day Three to 3,426. (Day Twos’ count was 1,207). Still short of the 5,000-ish I should be, but I’m happy to be gradually building up the word count […]
Sunday Sesh #9 – The Sesh With No Beer
Sorry about no Sunday Sesh this week. I’m still not overly good at this pre-planning thing. I’m blaming Nanowrimo, since you’re not supposed to plan too far ahead in order to get the best experience possible. However, Unplanned visitors + planned visitors + housework + reno’s = Full house and no time for blogging. The […]
Nanowrimo: The Panic Begins
Nanowrimo starts in a week, and up until yesterday, I wasn’t overly excited. Why? Because after re-thinking the 50,000 words in 30 days pledge, I realised just how bloody crazy that is. What the hell was I thinking? I have my Nano novel idea ready to go. I’ve deliberately been not researching and not doing […]
Sunday Sesh #5 – James Squire Jack of Spades
Bit late in coming this week, but here’s today’s Sunday Sesh, brought to you by James Squire’s Jack of Spades Porter. I’ve ventured into the dark ales a bit over the last couple of weeks, and this one is now one of my favourites. Next time I’m at the Bottle-o I’ll be grabbing myself a carton. Little […]