(If you’re a subscriber to my newsletter, you’ll already know this). In the spirit of Christmas, I’ve discounted my Christmas-themed novella, Three Wishes, down to 99c for the entire month of December. If you haven’t got yourself a copy yet, now’s the time to get one cheap. It’s for sale at all the usual online […]
Five things I learned from the publication of the First Time for Everything Anthology
I posted pre-order links to the First Time for Everything anthology a few weeks before it was released. I also posted buy links to facebook for the ebook and paperback versions when it released in September, but it wasn’t until I posted photos of me opening the box of author copy paperbacks I received that […]
On writing short
It’s taken me a long time to get into a sort of groove with my writing. I’ve learned to plot just enough to keep me going on the story without getting stale or losing my way (thanks largely to the “Beats” chapters in Write. Publish. Repeat by Sean Platt and Johnny B Truant – highly […]
“First Time for Everything” Anthology Release Day is here!
It’s release day for the “First Time for Everything” YA anthology! Woohoo! I’ve enjoyed the last few months of working with Harmony Ink Press on moulding my short story “Summer Crush” into it’s much prettier self and can’t wait for you to read it. You can get it direct from Harmony Ink here. The Amazon […]
On bad things happening to lesbian characters because they’re lesbians
An interesting thing happened to me last week. I’d finished the first draft of a novella I’d been working on in a new series I’m developing and, as I often do with my finished stories, read it to my wife to see what she thought. She’s not a big reader, but I love seeing her […]