First Reader Club

Thanks so much for wanting to become one of my First Readers.

It’s an important part of my process – so important in fact, that First Readers have picked up spelling mistakes that have been missed by multiple editing eyes, chosen covers, picked blurbs and had a hand in what I write and publish next.

As a First Reader, you’ll get to read every single book and story I write before they get published. You’ll get to help me choose covers, tag lines and blurbs (and you’ll see them first), and sometimes you’ll get to help me pick character names or other story-specific things.

In return for all of that, all I ask is that you share my books with people you think will like them, and give your honest feedback and reviews.

You can do that via social media posts, blogs, vlogs, word of mouth, talking to librarians at your school, your sports coaches, or just telling your friends and family about them.

And you can send your feedback directly to me via email (especially if you find spelling mistakes or formatting errors), or leave reviews on Goodreads or wherever you buy your books from.

Sound good?


You can join the First Reader group right here.

I’ll see you soon!